The strange world story for children.

 Closer than you think Mr. Kornél, wait! I would have a question for you! ”They shouted after him from the office, but he pretended not to hear. He grabbed his carbon black briefcase and got into the elevator as fast as he could. He pressed the ground floor button with relief, as no one had been able to run after him until now. He was grumpy and exhausted, but most of all he was fed up with everyone. He felt that if another word was said to him, he would explode along the way. I'd just be home-sighed. Although it would be so at home! - a place I could rightly call it The elevator door opened, he got out and soon found himself on the busy main street of the city. The crowd rippled like murky seawater, barely able to make its way to itself. Once he had to avoid a staring group of tourists, other times he jumped in front of running children. aside. He began to think they were just there to annoy five. He walked down the subway with a sour face, staring incessantly at the ground beneat...


 Radiation effect on human health. 


Radiation which is present all around us is ultimately always harming us. Radiation are of two types:



Radiation which is ionized, is harmful to humans and radiation which is non-ionized are not harmful for humans although some people believe, but no study had proved it yet. Ionized radiation has a lot of problem always it is always creating problem to humans. 

How radiation cause cancer? 

Cancer is caused only by ionized radiation and never by non-ionized radiation. 
High energy radiation like gamma rays , alpha particles, beta particles and neutron could damage our DNA (Deoxyribonecleic acid) and this causes cancer. Let's learn  in detail how radiation causes cancer:

Actually high energy rays like alpha, beta, gama  are having a lot of radiation. Radiation is not a difficult thing it is something like medium to travel, like light travel in form of radiation, And this is a simple thing but when it is ionized it ultimately affects our cells . There rays particles are very small comparatively and then cross a lot of things easily. 
So when a person is in contact of ionized radiation , that radiation is harming his/her body by crossing and tearing their body because they are soo energetic and then want to become stable and  in order to make them stable them emit a lot of energy. 
So when person come in contact it tears that individual body and when tearing it pass through cells and it goes and damage our DNA. And it brakes DNA chain which is responsible for making a cell living and surviving but after that DNA is broken this cell now don't know how to survive and it works in different way like not working what it has to do originally and it is working another thing  ,and we know that every cell divide into two parts. So when this radiated cell which is suffering from radiation is dividing it makes more cell copy of itself which is no healthy. 
And cancer is the uncontrolled growth of dead cell. 
So when cell DNA is broken it doesn't know that how it is working and it divided rapidly and this causes cancer. 
Cancer is caused by different things such as:
• Tobacco consumption
• Bad lifestyle
• less amount of melanin etc. 

Cancer patients problems:

A person suffering from cancer have these problems:
• Hair loss( sometimes completel) 
• Body becomes thin
• Body is becomes very weak  
• There is sometimes strong pain in the area of affected organ etc. 

Cancer can be prevented by:

Cancer is disease which can be cause to anyone in fact cancer is present in everyone this is another thing that it is not active. There are some ways by which we can prevent cancer by:
• Eating healthy food and eating leafy vegetables and taking garlic in our food helps a lot
• limit red meat
• Stopping consumption of alcohol
• Living a healthy and clean life
• Avoid exposure to radiation
• Avoid smoking and tobaccoes etc. 

Everyone has a precious family that is happy if everyone of its members are happy. Think about those children to whom you have to care and look at their innocent face and make promise that you will never do anything which will affect your healthy family. 

I wish you all the best for the life. Keep going and keep yourself growing. 


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